What To Think About When Looking To Buy a Home in Wildfire Territory

The Napa Valley real estate market contains some of the most sought-after properties in the country and beautiful landscapes and safe neighborhoods make for an impeccable combination. However, there are some homes for sale in Yountville CA, and the surrounding area that falls into a territory known as “Wildfire Territory”, and it is here that buyers must consider some very critical factors before making an offer on a house.

Has the Home Suffered Wildfire Damage?

Wildfires spread without bias and seemingly without boundaries. This means that even a home that appears to be a safe distance away is still vulnerable. If the home you’re interested in has come close to being exposed to a wildfire or has in the past, make sure to do your homework and uncover any damages it may have suffered.

Is the Home in a High-Risk Neighborhood?

Keep in mind that high-risk neighborhoods are the ones where vegetation and homes are nearby. If you’re buying a home that is in an area prone to wildfires, make sure you have all your emergency equipment prepared in the event of an evacuation. Also, check municipal bylaws and protocols to confirm that mitigation procedures are in place. It also doesn’t hurt to stop by the local fire station and speak with some of the firefighters to get their perspective on the history of the area.

Is the Home Built to Be Fire-Resistant

Take a good look not only at the aesthetic appeal of the house but what lies behind the curtains. Homes with wooden panels or window panes are clearly more vulnerable to damage (and danger) in a high-risk fire zone. The roof is also an important area to investigate, so check to see if it contains fire-resistant materials like clay, concrete, or metal slate. Switching to multi-pane windows is also recommended as it adds extra protection from wildfires.

Does Your Home Insurance Cover Wildfire Damage?

Even with all the safety precautions in place, there is always a chance that a home could suffer damage from a wildfire. That being the case, make sure you know your home insurance policy inside and out regarding coverage for this type of damage.

When it comes to buying Napa Valley real estate in a high-risk wildfire area, minimizing risk across the board is key to ensuring you and your family’s safety and well-being. For more info on homes for sale in Yountville CA and the surrounding areas, contact St. Helena Real Estate today!

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